Organization Structure
The Household Registration Offices, Taipei City has one chief oversee general office affairs and to supervise office staff. The Office also has a secretary, three section(Household Registration、Household Records、General Affairs) and two offices (Personnel , Accounting). The organization chart is as below:
Household Registration Section
Household registration:
Registration of personal status
Birth/death/death announcement/marriage/divorce registration
Acknowledgement/adoption/adoption termination registration
Guardianship registration
Registration of movement
Moving-in/moving-out/address alteration registration
Initial household registration
Birthplace registration
Alteration/correction/revocation/annulment registration
Acquisition/loss/restoration of nationality
Household Records Section
ID card
ID Cards; ID Card Changes
Issuance of certificate
Issuance of household certificate/household certificate in English
Household Registry and Citizen Review of Household Records
Personal signet
Personal Seal Registration/Replacement/Annulment/Certification
Naming of streets
Address plates
Coding/producing/amending/re-issuance of address plates
Citizen digital certificate
General Affairs Section
Administration affairs
Research and evaluation
Volunteer recruitment and management
Dealing with complaints
Fees and fine reception affairs
General affairs
Inventory procurement and preservation
Maintenance of computer hardware and software
Cashier affairs
Archives and documents management
Personnel Office
In charge of personnel management in accordance with the law
Accounting Office
In charge of annual auditing and accounting affairs in accordance with the law